2020 Foundation for Workforce Mobility Virtual Walk
We planned to be in Houston this week for the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council’s (WERC) ‘Road to Recovery’ conference. But COVID-19 came, we stayed put, and WERC found some creative ways to have attendees participate virtually. Among the many events we look forward to every year is their Walk to benefit the Foundation for Workforce Mobility. So while we couldn’t join our friends to get the blood flowing in person, our team members still found some camaraderie in walking apart—together!
As a #VirtualWalk2020 Engagement Partner, we took to the streets, stretched our legs, and got to walking. Our landscapes may have all looked different, but the spirit remained the same. Whether with children burning off some energy, with furry friends eager for the exercise, or alone to bask in the solitude, we were all grateful for the fresh air. Thanks to #VirtualWalk2020 for bringing us together.
With 15 years of service, the Foundation supports many worthy charitable partners. For instance, they’ve raised $109K in scholarships for high school seniors!
About the Foundation: The Worldwide ERC® Foundation for Workforce Mobility was established in 2004 with a mission to energize the global community through charitable giving. Its vision is that all communities touched by global mobility are actively aware of, inspired by, and engaged in their charitable efforts, worldwide.